Greetings all! Christmas is only a few short weeks away and along with my super easy stockings, I made this DIY garland for my mantel. It is really the easiest DIY garland ever. Think I’m kidding? Can you use scissors and a glue gun? then you can make this little guy.
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Easiest DIY garland ever!
For this holiday season, I was trying to make my mantel a white winter scene for under $50.00. I purchased almost all of the supplies with a coupon or on Black Friday to save some money. You can make this garland out of many different materials. I choose to make it out of fleece fabric but paper would work well also. I believe that this garland cost about $2.00 to make. Not too shabby.
Supplies you will need are:

Ribbon, cut to the length you need (I had satin ribbon on hand)
Fabric or paper for the leaves (bought mine at Joann’s with a coupon)
Hot glue gun and plenty of glue sticks.
Thumbtacks or tape to hang (I used nails that were on my mantel and painters tape to get it to lay flat)
Cut your ribbon to the length you need. I tied some knots in the areas that would be hanging downwards to make sure that it would hang properly.
Proceed to cut out tons of leaves. I think I cut 200 +. The easiest way to do this is to first cut your fabric into strips and then fold the fabric in half just enough to cut a single leaf out. That way you have two leaves with every cut. Be sure to cut different sizes of leaves so that the garland looks fuller when finished.
Get your glue gun ready and glue away. For my garland, I paid close attention to which direction the leaves were pointing as I wanted them to point towards the middle of the garland. Glue away.
To hang this garland you will need either thumb tacks or double-sided tape to ensure it lays flat. I choose to use painters tape that I doubled over on itself.
See I told you it was that easy. It can be made for all different seasons and holidays for pennies! Share with me your garlands. I’d love to see them.
Stay tuned for the $50.00 mantel makeover reveal!
Thank u
I like ur diy crafts
Thank y very much
You are just adorable and your mantle looks gorgeous!! And this makes me miss seeing you even more. Thank you for the awesome idea – now to get to a fabric store….
Is this Tiffani front the old office????? So excited to hear from you. Hope all is well with you, have a safe and happy holidays!