The school year is almost here again. That means all the littles are gearing up to enter into a fun and exciting chapter in their lives. I have a niece and nephew who are starting Kindergarten, and so I thought I would make available to you my free printable first-day-of-school signs that I made for them.
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***Update 8/28/2020***
Just so we’re clear, I am not a graphic designer and have no clue as to how to use Photoshop. But, I know how to use Picmonkey like a boss. If you decide that you want to design your own, by all means, log onto and have at it! And by the way, it’s free to use. So there’s that!
Just download the jpeg and have it printed at Walmart or Walgreens. This is formatted to print as an 11×14, but it will also print nicely as an 8×10. I think that they look better at 11×14!! I purchased my frames from Michales. Each one was $8.00. Then all you need to do is mount the picture in the frame and write on the glass with a pen made for writing on glass.
Pin for later!
These signs can be used until they graduate. These two examples are identical except I changed them a little so that when they transition into middle/high school, it’s more age-appropriate.
8×10 signs
Chalk rainbow chunk 8×10
Chalk rainbow 8×10
white black young transitional 8×10
white black older transitional 8×10
11×14 signs
WHITE globe and apple transitional 11X14
WHITE black paintbrush CHUNK 11X14
Just mount these in a frame and use a pen that writes on the glass to fill in the information year after year.
Don’t want to write it all out? I’ve got you covered. Follow my tutorial on how to upload and add text to these free printables.
Check out the matching LAST DAY of school signs!
I hope that these signs give you a little sunshine. I know that it is so hard to let them go off to school. Especially nowadays. Speaking of which, I have compiled a list of gadgets to keep your children safe while at school and on their commute.
These signs are so great! I cannot seem to find though where to download these as a JPEG.
Thank you!
Hi Rachael. Simply right click on the pic you want, and save the image. Please email me directly if it still doesn’t work for you. I’ll be happy to send you a jpeg directly. My email is
I love that these come 11×14! Thank you for making your designs available for free. I would love to use it, but I couldn’t get them to save full size. All I get is a very small image.
Thanks Erin. Please email me with the exact one you want and I’ll make sure to send you one that will print out at 11×14.
I am unable see a download link .
Shoot me an email with which ones you would like and I’ll send them right to ya!
I am unable to download in 8×10 version of the 3rd one on the right.. Is there anyway you can help me? Thanks so much, these are great

Rachel Glowacke recently posted…Cheap summer backdrop – cocktail umbrellas
Oh my goodness! All my PDF’s disappeared. They are all back and tested this morning. So sorry. Thanks for reading and reaching out!
Hi. I can’t get the picture to save so that I can print it. Can you email me or something? Thanks for the free printable!
Yes, Ma’am! I sent you an email with the link. Somehow all of my PDF’s got detached. AHHH! I went through and fixed them all this morning. Hope you enjoy these signs! Thanks for reading and commenting.
HEY Shayla. So sorry about that. Somehow all my PDF’s disappeared. They are all back now and checked to make sure they work. Thanks for reaching out.
Thank you so much!! I got it now!
Thank you for the first day of school signs…. I love them. Do you happen to have any Last day of school ones? I couldn’t find any when I did the “search this website” search.
Hi Becky! I don’t have any last day of school signs but I will make some in the next week or so that match my current first day of school signs because you asked! : )
Thank you!!!!!
Do you have matching last day of school printables?
I am working on getting them done in the next two days. If you would like to be notified just subscribe and you should see when I publish them this weekend. Cheers
These look great. I’d encourage you to leave off the teacher’s name for safety as most people will post pictures to social media.
Thank you Kristi! I come from a family of teachers. I surveyed over 15 elementary, middle and high school teachers about the same thought and they all said that they were perfectly fine with it as it does not have the school that the child will be attending. Your opinion is valued and appreciated.
I love your signs! Thank you so much for offering these to everybody for free! Me and my Kindergartener had a blast to fill it out and it makes such a nice memory! Thank you a lot!!!!
Yay! I love to hear that. I did start selling them in my Etsy shop this year for a dollar each. But I will still have them here for anyone who is savy enough to google search them and find me! I hope your little one has a great year.