Everybody poops. That doesn’t mean you have to put up with the STANK that comes with it. Over the past 4 years, I have made and perfected my own “poo-pourri” spray.
I have a couple of versions for you to try. One made with essential oils and the other with fragrance oils that you would make lotions and soaps with.
Don’t put up with the poo smell!
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Homemade “poo-pourri” spray
Hubby and I went to Washington DC to see one of his closets friends tie the knot. Wouldn’t you know that once again we stayed at a fancy hotel with no bathroom fan! WHY??? We needed my trusty poo-pourri spray.
After staying at many hotels and flying overseas the need for this spray has made it a mandatory fixture in our household. Nothing worse than trying to sleep feet away from a stinky bathroom!
Tools and ingredients you will need to make poo-pourri:
Glass spray bottle: You must use a glass bottle.
rubbing alcohol/ witch hazel/vodka – Choose one. I use rubbing alcohol.
castile soap: The smell of the soap will not influence the smell of the poo-pourri.
measuring spoons
distilled water
essential oils
Fragrance oils
Labels (click here for my 10 free printable labels 2 oz or 16 oz): Please click on the highlighted links. I made some labels with some profanity and don’t want to post them here.
Tape (to adhere the labels to the bottles)
Recipe for a 2 oz bottle
1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol (or witch hazel/vodka)
5 drops castile soap
5 drops lavender essential oil
7 drops peppermint essential oil
10 drops lemon essential oil
Fill with distilled water
20 drops of cosmetic grade fragrance oil (fruit loops is my favorite)
16 oz bottle:

2 tsp castile soap
3 tbsp rubbing alcohol
15 drops lavender
20 drops peppermint
25 drops lemon
fill the remainder with distilled water
2 dropper’s full of fragrance oil.
Once all ingredients or combined shake well and let sit overnight. The oil and soap need time to meld together for the fragrance to really come out. After you have let it combine shake well before each use and spray directly onto toilet water. 4-6 sprays work well.
This Poo-Pourri mixture is perfectly safe for septic tanks. By the time you have flushed it is very diluted and should not harm anyone or anything.
I really enjoy having a STRONG smelling spray so if you find that it is too overpowering reduce the number of oil drops to your liking.
I made 10 different super cute labels(click the hyperlinks below for the full list) for you to print and tape onto the bottles. I gifted these for Christmas a few years ago and everyone loved it and asked for more. It travels well and is a huge help when you have to go to a public restroom or at work. poo 2 oz or poo 16 oz
Let me know if you tried it and what you think. I’m sure you will find that it is a nose saver. Looking for some DIY essential oil cleaners? I have the best granite and grease cleaner for you.
If I use Lavender or Peppermint Castile soap (or ½ of each), can I illuminate or reduce the use of essential oils?
Hi Rachel. Great question. Unfortunately, no. The soap acts as a “carrier” for the essential oils. It is what allows the oils to break up into fine particles that coat the top of the water. I hope that this answers your questions. Stay safe and healthy. Cheers.
Could I use a dropper bottle and put a few drops into the toilet instead of spray?
Hi there Sarah! Yes, you can absolutely just use a dropper bottle. That is actually how I used my poop spray mix for the first 3 years before I had my blog up and running. Thank you so much for the comment and for reading my post.
Can I use anything besides castile soap or can I completely eliminate it?
The soap is in there so that when you shake it the oil has something to hold onto so it will be evenly distributed. You could use a few drops of body wash or the like. Keep in mind I choose this soap in particular because if it splashes back up on our private bits its safe also safe for the environment when flushed.
What about glycerin?
This should absolutely work as well.
I wanted to refill original bottles of the potion you share your recipe for, but they are plastic. What can I use so it doesn’t melt the plastic? Thank you very much!
Hi Wanda. I have the bottle I use listed in the blog post. They are glass bottles. I hope this helps.