Do you love Kawaii? If you don’t even know what it is, check out my Kawaii Pinterest board. I happen to think that Kawaii is super cute and fun. My iPad needed a little help while in my purse. Hence, my need to make a felt pouch. A Kawaii felt pouch.
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This super easy craft can be made in less than an hour and is easy enough for tweens to do. All you need is to know one simple stitch (click here for Youtube video of blanket stitch) to complete the whole pouch OR just glue it all together. I used a combination of glue and stitching to achieve the look I was going for.
Supplies you are going to need are:
Fabric Glue
Sequins (Optional)
Snaps (Optional)
Sharpie pens
Embroidery Floss
Fiber ploy fill (Optional)
How to assemble your KAWAII pouch:
- Measure and cut the felt for the pouch. Leaving room at the top edge if you are applying sew-on snaps.
- Find a template online or freehand a design. I used a pot lid to make the lemon and watermelon, free-handed the cactus and used a star template I found online.
- Cut out and attach your design onto your felt pouch.
- Draw a face on your design with the sharpies.
- Stuff polyfill into shapes you want to have dimension. (Optional)
- Embellish with sequins or beads. (Optional)
- Sew your pouch closed on the sides and bottom if necessary.
- Add sew on snaps if needed.
Viola, your done!
Couldn’t be easier. This would make a great summertime activity to keep your kids busy. Maybe even in the car to prevent the dreaded “are we there yet?”
Don’t be afraid to freehand your design. I found all my inspiration on Pinterest. There are tons of Kawaii designs and faces to inspire you. This Kawaii pouch could make a great little gift for someone with glasses, an iPad, tablet or phone.
Hopefully, this inspires you to make a little something this summer.
Check out my post on all things to make your summer fun!
So cute!