Take time today to thank God or whatever you believe in for your mother. Without her, you would not be here. Seems far to often people forget how much a mother goes through, just to become a mother. I, of course, think my mom is the best ever. And she is! She gave up her life for the four of us.

May 1984, My mom and her 4 girls
Making sacrifices that most people would never do. Leaving her country of birth to travel halfway around the world to start a life with my dad. How brave you are mom! I have seen you summon all your strength and wisdom to guide us through life. Even when we were acting like assholes! You are the guiding force that lights the path you have set before us. Thank you, mom! Of all the mothers in the world how lucky I am that you are mine.
I have the privilege of watching my sisters become mothers. What a joy it is to see how you love your children and teach them the ways of life. I am so inspired and happy to see what great women you all are. I love seeing all my 8 nieces and nephews turn into amazing people because of you. Even with all the trials and tribulations that life has set before you, you conquer each situation with grace and humility (most of the time).
As for my amazing friends who to me are my family. I have learned so much by watching you all with your own children. All of you willing to give up so many things for your little ones. Some of you stretching yourselves so thin that you become transparent and then you give of yourself some more (J.R. I’m talking to you). It leaves me awestruck!
To all you single moms, foster moms, adoptive moms, stepmoms and mothers of special needs children. You amaze me every day! Often you struggle in silence with no one to thank you for your open heart and mind. Keep blessing the world by taking the challenges you are given and shining brightly for all of us to see.
To the mothers of angel babies. I love you all so much. How much courage and understanding you have despite all the pain and heartache you feel every waking hour. Just because you have never met your children does not make you any less of a mother. I think about my own angle babies every day, all 4 of them and wish that I could hold them and guide them through life. But that is not what life has brought me and I’ve learned to accept and deal with it. Never let anyone tell you that you are not a mother. Loving someone you have never met with every ounce of your being. No one can understand the loss of your little ones like you and no one can celebrate their short life with such purpose and devotion as you, their mother. Overcoming jealousy, anger, frustration, desperation, heartbreak, ignorance and more every day and still managing to stand tall for all the world to see.
Take a moment and remember all of those women who have mothered you through your life whether it be a grandparent, aunt, sister, teacher, friend or perfect stranger and be thankful for them. It is beautiful to give of yourself to others when it is not your duty. Take the moments given to you by these women and let it help guide your way.
And lastly to all the dad’s out there that have had to fill a mother’s shoes. You are brave and amazing. It takes a very special man to be both a mother and a father. I hope that you believe in yourself as much as your children love you.
Happy Mother’s day to ALL mothers around the globe.
P.S. If you’re looking for some cool gifts for mom check out my gift lists here and here.
this is wonderful! love you mom! well done lizzy!
Thank you Reeny! Happy Mother’s Day!
This was so well written. Thank you for including those of us that would love to be mothers but God has different plans for. You’ve always been one of the sisters I never had. Hope you had an enjoyable day as well! Keep blogging. I’m enjoying reading your blog!
Hey Sister! I’m so glad you liked my post. It certainly isn’t easy wanting nothing more to be a mama and not being able too! I also hope you had a beautiful Mother’s Day!